Since this site is not being as actively updated, we have not been able to research what parental control features these services offer. Note: The information in the following section may no longer be applicable, as now most people receive their Internet service through a telecom company like Verizon or a cable company like Comcast. Major Dial-up (like AOL, MSN, or Earthlink) or Simply reports on Internet usage to someone you have chosen to receive the
InternetĪre computer programs that make undesirable content unavailable to the computer Software on all computers, especially those used by children. We strongly recommend the use of internet filters or monitoring Other Internet Safety and Parental Software Tools for the Home See our downloads page for a few alternatives.
TechMission no longer offers the We-Blocker filtering software since it is not compatible with any recent versions of Windows. Internet Filter and Parental Control Software Reviews Free TechMission Safe Families We-Blocker Internet Filtering and Parental Controls Software